Access Rights (DRM) and Copy Protection Software

Access Rights (DRM) and Copy Protection Software

ArtistScope pioneered copy protection and today provides a variety of solutions to enable authors and industry to protect their livelihood:

ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS)

The ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS) provides the most secure copy protection for web content by creating a secure tunnel between server and desktop while preventing all save and copy. However ASPS requires a dedicated server or VPS to install at system level. BHowever sites using shared web hosting can also use ASPS indirectly via the Guest Video copy protected web hosting service or the SafeGuard WordPress plugins.

Copy Protected Web Hosting

Guest Video provides a unique web hosting solution that includes options for DRM and copy protection. Plans can provide a unique website, a collection of protected pages or protected pages that can be embedded into other web pages. The Guest Video service is most unique and what makes it possible is the server module that provides end to end encryption between server and browser, and a secure web browser especially designed to decrypt and protect pages while on display. Ideal for online tutors and others providing limited access to intellectual property, everything needed for sales and user management is provided, including online catalogue, online ad designer, DRM token management and user tracking. Click Guest Video Protection more info and 14-day DEMO account.

Copy Protection for PDF and eBooks

CopySafe PDF Protection software provides the most secure protection for PDF, safe from all copy including PrintScreen and capture. DRM options can put a stop to sharing. CopySafe PDF files can be distributed for both desktop reading and online reading but viewed by Windows users only. To display copy protected PDF online that can be viewed on all computers and devices, see the SafeGuard WordPress plugins or Guest Video copy protected web hosting. Click CopySafe PDF Protection for more info and demo DRM account.

Copy Protection for Video

CopySafe Video Protection software provides the most secure copy protection for video while managing user access rights (DRM). However CopySafe Video can be viewed by Windows users only. While useful for select clients and corporate networks, if support for all devices including mobile phone is required, see the SafeGuard WordPress plugins or Guest Video copy protected web hosting. Click CopySafe Video Protection for more info and demo DRM account.

Digital Rights Management (DRM)

Copy protection is different to DRM. DRM does not prevent copy, but it does prevent sharing and unauthorised distribution. Passwords can be shared and most DRM solutions can be exploited, but ArtistScope DRM uses unique device signatures for validation, making it impossible to share with others. To DRM protect PDF and video displayed online that can be accessed by all devices including phones, see Guest Video copy protected web hosting or the SafeGuard WordPress plugins.

Security & Inregrity

Popular web browsers are designed at cross purposes and useless for copy protection. To properly secure web content, one needs server side encryption and delivery to a browser specially designed to protect what it displays, which is why the ASPS solution used in conjunction with ArtisBrowser is incomparable... the most secure web protection ever imagined. Click for more info on ASPS Website Protection.

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